Saturday, October 18, 2008

CCS's ice breaking!!!

Yo!!! The first ever Chinese Cultural Society's ice breaking was organized and ended quite successful. Thanks to all the commitees and members who participate....

Actually, we were so worried at the beginning cause there were only few members arrived around 8.00p.m which the event should had started. Luckily, more and more students came at the end. Huishhh...

So, our MC, Alan and Wan Yi begun the event and tried to make the crowd high. Problem came again, the microphone was not working. Arghhh... No choice but they need to shout throughout the event.

After a brief intro of the committees of CCS, the event started with a game named 'Ban Jin Ba Liang'. The situation was out of control cause many of the participants escpecially those who dont speak chinese couldnt understand the game.

Quickly, we went on to the other game. The games planned was to let the members knew some new friends. Slowly, the members were getting fun. Till around1030, finally the event came to the end. Eventually, the members might not looked to enjoy the game but we were satisfied cause they managed to knew some new friends which was the purpose of this event. ( But commitees complained that they couldnt get to know any of the members,haha!!!!)

It was a big step for CCS and will continue to give the best!!! Go Go Go... Coming next event will be a Outdoor Camping. Watch Out!!!!

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